We seek to [re]awaken SELF
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Arkitekt is breath on the spark of your soul.
Who am I when I take off the roles I carry in my daily life? When I'm not doing all the things, who am I being?
We call Arkitekt a "Come As You Are" space.
You get to show up however you are, and I get to show up as I AM, and together we engage WHAT IS with honor and awe.
The hardest thing to do is to be with yourself with nothing to prove and nothing to hide.
The hardest thing is to choose to believe you are enough and unconditionally worthy of love, just as you are.
You already have what you need and you already know what you need to know.
This work is a remembering and reawakening to your True Self. It's your empowering journey and no one else can do it for you or take it away from you.
At the core is this discovery: You are Beloved.
This truth is not variable based upon how you look or act or think. It just is.
Coming home to yourself is a practice of living into your identity, which is LOVE.