Hello dear girl,

 The other night as we held hands, and I looked into your eyes, I felt an overwhelming sense of awe for the work you are manifesting in the world through the Arkitekt program.  I feel like you are channeling one of the most timely, spiritual messages for our culture. 

Too many women of all ages and walks of life are leading lives of quiet desperation, feeling isolated in our individual attempts to navigate some of life’s most difficult challenges. 

So many of us remain locked in to struggling alone with transitions that temporarily knock us off-balance—deep losses, separations and divorce, illnesses and death, relocation and re-nesting, employment and work disruptions, mental illness, loss of purpose, trauma and abuse, natural (and not so natural) disasters, and others. 

I know very few women who feel sufficiently safe to be seen in our scabby and torn states, to “show up” authentically; and to disclose our uncertainty, doubt, confusion and, often, terror.  Often, we prefer to carry on even if we feel like imposters and know this no longer serves us. 

Trinity, you bring deep intuitive insight to the collective crisis; the Arkitekt curriculum reflects an uncanny understanding of how we might honor and help each other move back into balance and connection with community, starting from the inside and moving out. 

Arkitekt moves intentionally from session to session, breaking up what can feel like a frightening and monumental journey into manageable, beautifully articulated pieces.

I marvel at the wisdom brought forth by someone as young as you.  Thank you.  I honor the container you have created for this body of work:  the anthem, ground rules for how we come together, the narratives and passages in the chapters,  the suggested exercises and activities in advance of and in the context of sessions, facilitator guides, and,  paramount to all, your commitment to continuing to “refresh” the container as needs evolve.

May you have the strength to continue on in this pursuit and discover all the many resources you need to expand.  

Blessings and love,
