We begin with self-awareness but not in a self-referential way.
What we endeavor to do is tell the stories of our own lives as a way to both remember who we are, and all the ways we belong to each other.
We are about spiritual formation grounded in the intersectional praxis of social justice and personal integrity. The writer Andrew Harvey calls it SACRED ACTIVISM.
Telling the stories of who we are and what we long for helps us discover how we want to live and how we want to affect change in our world (both the personal and the larger context). We work at the intersection of Critical and Collective Consciousness to bring about social change.
When you orient towards personal healing, you are also catalyzing communal and generational healing.
We call this the SO THAT component.
We practice Coming Home To Ourselves SO THAT we might help others return home.
“Using CONFESSION and MEMORY as ways of naming reality enables women and men to talk about personal experience as part of a process of politicization which places such talk in a dialectical context.
Theorizing experience as we tell personal narrative, we have a sharper, keener sense of the end that is desired by the telling.
[We} use CONFESSION and MEMORY as tools of intervention which allow {us} to unite scientific knowledge with everyday experience. So as not to place undue emphasis on the individual, {we} consistently link individual experience to COLLECTIVE REALITY.
Used constructively, CONFESSION and MEMORY are tools that heighten self-awareness; they need not make us solely inward-looking.
To reaffirm the POWER OF THE PERSONAL while simultaneously not getting trapped in IDENTITY POLITICS, we must work to link personal narratives with knowledge of how we must act politically to change and transform the world.